The small town of Brookfield is once again at the center of an unusual controversy, with local figure John David Holdcraft, known as the “Yellow Sign Guy,” escalating his public campaign against Select Board member Brad Kadelski.
Unrelenting Signs and Calls
The saga, which has been the talk of Brookfield since last month’s threatening calls from Mr. Holdcraft to Mr. Kadelski, recently took a peculiar turn. The yellow sign, a well-known fixture in town associated with Mr. Holdcraft, displayed a new message claiming that Mr. Kadelski’s nickname at town hall is “Pinocchio.” This latest message adds to a pattern of provocative signs targeting the Select Board member. However, thorough inquiries within the town hall and among municipal employees have revealed that this supposed nickname is not recognized, nor is there any confirmation that Brad Kadelski is known by any nickname at all.
An Intrusive Phone Call at Work
The pattern of disruptions took a more concerning turn when Mr. Holdcraft, a Planning Board member without a leadership role, allegedly made an unsolicited phone call to Brad Kadelski during his full-time job, at a local Air Force Base. Mr. Holdcraft loudly addressed Mr. Kadelski as “Hey Pinocchio” audible to Mr. Kadelski’s coworkers. When approached for a comment, Mr. Holdcraft stated, “ it’s all lies!” “ I never called Brad I told him to his face he is Pinocchio” This denial, however, is contradicted by recent evidence. Verizon has confirmed that a phone call was indeed made from Mr. Holdcraft’s phone number to Mr. Kadelski’s cell phone on November 22, 2023. Verizon records show that the call lasted 26 seconds, challenging Mr. Holdcraft’s claim of not having made the phone call.
While Mr. Holdcraft maintains that his interaction with Mr. Kadelski was face-to-face, the Verizon data adds a significant layer to the story, raising questions about the truthfulness of his statements. The incident, if as reported, represents not only a breach of professional decorum but also an instance of personal degradation. Whether over the phone or in person, such behavior disrupts the workplace and raises serious questions about the respect and treatment due to our elected officials. The veracity of these claims, now backed by telecommunications evidence, continues to be a point of contention, underscoring ongoing tensions within the town’s governance.